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After cleansing, moisture is essential for rosy, healthy and beautiful skin. A good cream maintains the functions of the skin, moisturizes, makes it look nourished and feel soft. It is important to include the neck and décolleté, as the skin in those areas is relatively thin, and wrinkles can form quite quickly.


The ingredients of a cream play an essential role. Particular attention should be paid to valuable, active ingredients. Because these penetrate into the deeper skin layers.

Hyaluron refreshes and moisturizes the skin. Dry skin is revitalized and plumped up from the inside. Plant stem cells activate the renewal process of the cells, thereby rejuvenating the skin and helping to prevent cell damage. The plant stem cells in our creams come from the Swiss Edelweiss plant.

The complex of active ingredients and plant stem cells has a regenerating and soothing effect. In addition, each layer of skin is optimally moisturized and cell renewal is maximized.

As a result, your skin feels smooth and soft, and the skin's antioxidant defenses are strengthened. Our creams are therefore helping to protect against harmful environmental influences and provide excellent care for skin that is often very stressed.

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Kann ich die Cremes von Beneva Black täglich anwenden?

Ja, unsere Cremes sind mild und doch effektiv. Sie sind für die tägliche Anwendung ideal.

Wie soll ich den Tiegel lagern?

Du kannst den Tiegel ganz einfach im Badschrank bei normaler Zimmertemperatur aufbewahren.

Was sind aktive Wirkstoffe?

Aktive Wirkstoffe sind optimal konzentriert und wirken antioxidativ. Sie schützen somit vor freien Radikalen und besitzen eine starke Anti-Aging-Wirkung.

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