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Premature Skin Aging

The aging of your skin is a natural process, but it can be accelerated by a number of environmental factors. Visible signs of premature aging include fine lines, wrinkles, hair loss, and age spots that appear before the age of 30. But don't panic - we have the anti-aging solution to the physical signs of premature aging.


What is premature aging?

The main difference between normal aging and premature aging is the time frame. For most people, fine lines and wrinkles become noticeable in their early 30s, but for people with premature aging, it can occur even earlier. Premature aging is when the signs of aging begin to appear in the mid-20s. In scientific terms, premature aging occurs when a person's biological age is higher than their chronological age.

Signs and symptoms of premature skin aging

Fine lines, wrinkles and grey hair are generally the first things that come to mind when talking about aging. However, aging also includes other signs such as dry or itchy skin, hair loss and hyperpigmentation.

Causes of premature aging

As with many biological conditions, genetics play a role in how quickly we age. However, certain lifestyle factors can accelerate the rate at which we age or develop visible signs of premature aging. When it comes to our skin, sun exposure is the most important external factor in skin aging. Approximately 80% of facial skin aging is due to sun damage from ultraviolet (UV) rays. In addition, smoking has been linked to accelerated skin aging. While these are the biggest culprits, lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, alcohol consumption and stress can also contribute to skin aging

Treating premature skin aging

Obviously, one should adopt healthy habits, such as quitting smoking to prevent DNA damage, getting enough exercise and eating a healthy diet to compensate for nutrient deficiencies, and increasing intake of antioxidants that can counteract oxidative damage. But there are also external factors that can help reduce premature skin aging.

Here's how to reduce wrinkles and aging skin

Dry or itchy skin: The first step is to properly moisturize your skin as soon as you notice the first signs of premature aging. The outermost layer of our skin, the epidermis, produces hyaluronic acid, a natural substance produced by the body that stores water and hydrates tissues. Unfortunately, production slows as we age, and the resulting dry skin can worsen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid creams or supplements can help you balance your skin's moisture levels.

Can premature aging be reversed?

Lifestyle choices such as reducing stress, not smoking, eating a nutrient-dense diet and exercising can help slow the overall signs of aging. However, there are also targeted approaches to slow aging in specific areas that are prone to the signs of premature aging.

Retinol: Vitamin A (retinol) has been shown to improve cell turnover, which reverses some of the signs of premature aging by reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants. This skin care ingredient fights free radical damage and protects the skin from UVA and UVB rays. It can also promote collagen production, brighten skin, improve skin firmness and soften fine lines and wrinkles.

Sunscreen: since UV rays are a major cause of premature skin aging, protecting against their effects is one of the best things you can do to ensure normal skin aging and prevent skin cancer. Opt for formulations with an SPF of 30 or higher.

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Ab welchem Alter sollte ich ein Serum benutzen?

Die Erfahrung mit Seren zeigt, dass die Verwendung von Anti-Aging-Produkten bereits in jungen Jahren empfohlen werden kann. Es geht nicht nur darum, dass ein Serum die Haut verjüngt, sondern auch darum, die Haut mit wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen zu versorgen, die die Erneuerung der Hautzellen und Schutz gegen freie Radikale mit zunehmendem Alter fördern können. Man ein Serum ruhig schon mit Mitte 20 benutzen.

Wie lagere ich die Seren am besten?

Da wir für empfindliche Wirkstoffe wie Retinol und Vitamin C eine dunkle, lichtgeschützte Flasche verwenden, sind die Inhaltsstoffe optimal geschützt. Das Produkt sollte bei normaler Zimmertemperatur im Badschrank oder Badregal aufbewahrt werden.

Wie schnell sieht man beim Dermarolling Resultate?

Bereits nach der ersten Behandlung setzen positive Veränderungen ein. Das Gewebe wird bereits merklich gestrafft und gefestigt.

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